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Player/Coach/Referee Registration

2024-2025 Season Costs (Does not include USA Hockey number)

Age level Registration
Learn to Play $50/$75 (includes rental equipment)
6U Mini-Mites $300
8U Mites $350
10U Squirts $775
12U Pee Wees $800
14U Bantams $825
16U/18U Midgets $900


Player Registration

Please check out the "FORMS & POLICIES" section of the web site for important additional information, such as the IWYHA Parent Handbook, IWYHA Policies,  Player Athlete Fact Sheet, and more.

Looking for scholarship info? Check out the "SCHOLARSHIP" Tab on our site

Additional Season Duties/Costs

Away Tournaments: 
Teams in the 10U/12U/14U/18U age groups historically play in 3-4 away tournaments, including the State Tournament, during the season. Registration payments DO NOT cover the costs for these tournaments. One exception to this rule, the IWYHA will pay for the 16U/18U Midget league dues.

Families will pay between $40-$70 per tournament per player.  Some, if not all, of these costs can be waived based on the amount of profit made from home tournaments.  These payments will be invoiced to the team at the end of the season. The Team Rep will then calculate and collect payments from families.

Coaches and Team Reps will reserve hotel blocks for their perspective teams. It is recommended, not required, to stay at these reserved blocks.  Families are 100% responsible for lodging costs during away tournament weekends. 

Home Tournaments: 
Each team (8U and Up) will be given the opportunity to host a tournament at their perspective age level. 

Families are encouraged to think of ways to fund raise during the tournament. Some examples include raffle baskets, shoot-out contests, and specialty dinners. Half of profits from these events will go towards paying for the away tournaments costs. The other half goes to the Association. 

Families are required to work scoreboard, penalty boxes, zamboni, and concessions while they host their home tournament.

Raffle Tickets:
Each family (8U and Up) is required to buy/sell $300 worth of raffle tickets each season. Families are responsible for the cost of the tickets.

Jerseys & Socks:
Families are required to purchase game jerseys and socks for their registered player(s) in the age groups of 10U and above.  Jerseys will be provided for players in the age groups of 8U and below, these jerseys need to be turned in at the end of the season. 

Jerseys are double-sided (so you only need one) and are $80. They can be purchased here:

Please contact the to confirm open jersey numbers before purchase.

Work Hours:
Each family (8U and Up) is required to complete a minimum of 20 out-of-season hours of association work and 6 open skate shifts during the season. Out-of-season work hours can be completed during Summer parades, fundraising events, rink buildup, rink tear down, and any event approved by the IWYHA board. DIBS will be used to sign up and calculate the completed work hours  during out-of-season events.

Families are required to provide a $400 check to association at the beginning of the season. This check acts as a deposit until completed hours are calculated by the association. Families will be invoiced $20 per hour for the number of incomplete hours. For example, if a family only completes 16 out of the required 20 hours, that family will be invoiced $80 (20-16=4 | 4 x $20 = $80).  Once this invoice is paid, the $400 check will be destroyed. Checks will be automatically destroyed for families who have completed their required 20 hours.

It is the team's responsibility to provide workers for their team's assigned events such as home games and public/open skate.  These "in-season" hours DO NOT count towards the required 20 hours. 

Season Length:
Rink Building:  Oct1 to Oct 31 (Approximate)
On-Ice Season: Nov 1 to mid-March (Approximate)
Rink Tear-Down: Mid-March to mid-April (Approximate)

Players can expect:

  1. ​​​​​ Two games per weekend excluding holiday weekends -50% are home games & 50% are away games (10U and above)
  2.  Approximately 25-40 games will be played in a given season per team (10U and above)
  3.  A minimum of two (2) 1.25 hour practices a week
  4.  Free open/public skate admission for all registered players
  5.  One (1) optional "open hockey" session per week for registered players

Coach Registration

To be eligible to get on the ice, coaches must first do the following:

Find out more by contacting our Director of Hockey at 

Referee Registration

The USA Hockey Officiating Program is now accepting applications for officiating eligibility. Applicants can simply click here to register.

Upon receipt of an application, officials will be forwarded information on completing the open book exam requirement online and the latest version of the Officials Playing Rules Book/Casebook.

2024-2025 Referee Payment Rates (IWYHA will also repay all ref registration fees)

LEVEL 2-Man Ref 3-Man Ref 3-Man Line
10U Squirt $35.00
12U PeeWee $50.00 $42.00 $34.00
14U Bantam $60.00 $50.00 $40.00
14U Girls $60.00 $50.00 $40.00
18U Midget $85.00 $70.00 $55.00
IRS Mileage Federal rate Federal rate Federal rate

Skater Play Up Form (OPTIONAL)

If your skater wishes to "play up" a level this year, this play up form must be submitted with your registration forms. 

The play up form is available in PDF form or Word file, whatever your preference.